Just Dancin'
So last Saturday, us, the seniors, went tree planting at Naga City, Cebu. My blockmates and I already planned ahead to have an overnight sta...
So last Saturday, us, the seniors, went tree planting at Naga City, Cebu. My blockmates and I already planned ahead to have an overnight sta...
Too late to post but ets olrayt, ets okay, aydongkerr. Haha! Char lang! Haha! I had a hard time finding what sandals would fit to this outfi...
He also prepared something for me during this Valentine's day. OMG this is sooo sweet. ❤ You must also watch this. He really is a good d...
So basically, this DIY post is about the inexpensive Valentine's gift I gave to my guy. I've been broke since forever so I apparentl...